Hear that giggle off in the distance? That's God laughing at my plan to keep this blog updated on a regular basis. But here I am now, back again, living in the present and not dwelling on the missteps or broken promises of the past. #everonward (I still feel guilty).
Still quite a bit of unfinished business on the personal front. I'm battling a couple of health issues (nothing life threatening or serious, please don't be concerned) and the maddening insurance issues that go along with them. I swear dealing with my dental insurance coverage has been more painful than the root canal I had done a few months ago. I wish I was joking. And just when I think I'm done...they pull me back in!
On the work front, things are chugging along at McCuenications PR. Still doing a lot of collaborating with one of my former colleagues. We have complementary skills and working with him is a hoot. Not a bad combination at all.
I have a few new initiatives in mind for McCuenications PR. One is specifically to reach a goal of signing at least two new clients before the summertime slumbers kicks in. I'll have more specific details, ah, soon (there goes God again...).
In the meantime, to all my fellow PR pros out there, remember that whenever there's a crisis or a something didn't go as planned, you're always one big hit away from getting back in your client's good graces. Learn from your mistakes, don't repeat them, but don't dwell on them. Change the energy from negative to positive ASAP and everyone will be happy again.
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